Monday, October 5, 2020

Monday's Moves......

The waning of the moon, reducing in size, has already started. I didn't go out to get the full moon because of many reasons. I was shocked that it had changed quickly. I guess the full moon will be back at the end of the month.

 Monday is garbage day.  I like being able to dump it the bin and see them take it away. I am on a cause to reduce more stuff that I really don't need to have anymore. I sent out a lot of scrap wood toady from a couple of my antique projects. It could not be recycled.


The sun shines in this afternoon highlighting the bunny and plant. It is the side window and it is our window to the world on the front of the house. 

It just seemed right to fill the tea jar and put in some tea bag one more time. The sun was out out on the deck and it did make  us some tea.

Looking down from the deck I can see the fall weather is effecting the zinnia blooms. The greens are starting to retreat. 

I had a rest day today just because. I did do some clearing of the stuff in the workroom so the furnace person can check over the heat and cooling systems. Things tend to clutter up in the shop as it is a good place to put things out of sight. I have a cleat area now and it looks good.  Thank  you for checking in today.


  1. The Moon is so bright when the nigh sky is clear... you could almost read by it. At the very least, it will keep you up at night if the shades are not closed. Always a cool shot.
