Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Tuesday's Things......

 I think it is a kite. A small butterfly with multiple wings. They are small but tit is the only thing going o with the zinnias. 

When I am around they have me trained to give them some extra food. I have an automatic feeder for them so that I won't over feed them.

While looking at the glass I can tell my algae must have died. The glass usually is cleared by him and he must not be there anymore. 

The sedum looks closer to being red than pink. It is its first year being planted there and is doing well. 


I cut back on this vine today.  I am thinking that I need to get rid of it as it grows into the heating/cooling unit.  It also grows all over the place sending vines across the patio. The vines on it are so thick that it will be hard to remove from the trellis. I don't like having the vine growing up into the unit and it doesn't come out easily. 


This is my columbine plant. I seem to be finding small ones coming up in different places.  I didn't know they would spread so easily.

Those with horticulture eyes maybe can verify that this is an offspring. I have a couple more of them in the area. 

I cut some blooms yesterday and they look great in a vase.  We had our furnace and air conditioner serviced today. He wore a mask and I wore a mask and my wife stayed in her studio. He looked young and very healthy. We had taken him off schedule as we were busy dealing with our friend's cancer treatments. Our friend is now in the hospital being taken care of after all treatments are stopped.  She has a lot of dementia and is doing the best that she can do considering. We are helpless as the hospital keeps us out of the place. She called my wife a few days ago but it is rare that she does it. It has been a strange summer.  I thank  you for stopping by today.


  1. Yes it looks like your Columbine reseeded itself...few plants! Yeah. Sorry to hear about your friend...good that she remembers to call Della once in awhile. :)

  2. So sad to read about the decline in your friend's health and mental state and not being able to have those who care about her is also hard. It's nice that she does maintain contact with your wife as much as possible as I am sure it benefits both of them.
