Saturday, October 24, 2020


 My neighbors tree is looking good. The next two neighbors over also have maple trees.  My cirimsom king maple isn't that pretty. 

We have been getting rain off and on for three days or more so this sky is very welcomed. The jets vapor trail adds to the composition. 

I actually felt good enough to do some work yesterday afternoon.  I was outside and it was very cold and windy. I needed to get the glads out of the ground before it freezes. The soil has been so hard and dry because of our drought  but all that rain made the soil work better for me.  I spaded them up and out and into two buckets and then I have brought my work inside. I can trim and store these another day. 

I had planted these late and they still did well. They were in good bags of soil dirt and all of them increased in size. I guess they are called bulbs.  I can nowget them ready for storage inside where it is nice and warm.

The bucket of bulbs are not wood working material but it will be great to stand at  the wood bench and trim the greens off of them. I really liked all the blooms this summer and it is all worth the effort. 

Our son took a picture of the boys at the zoo recently in the Chicago area. I don't know where the zoo is or which one.  

Ella liked the structure in which she can explore. She has sure change the last few months and here being able to walk has made here a happy girl.

It is Saturday and it is cold again today. At this point of time we are not seeing warms ups in our weather for a very long stretch. I thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Very pretty sky and fall leaves. I am glad you felt like working with the glads. So thankful the rain helped to make the job easier, your grandchildren are precious, Ella has changed so much,

  2. Fun to see photos of your grands growing up! They are just precious! I have always liked Glads but they are a lot of work:)
