Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 The season is slowing down as the days get shorter. One lone bloom is all I have right now it this location.

I looked over this morning and noticed I still have not planted it.  It is a field lily (ditch)  and I don't know where I am going to plant it.  I have visions of it spreading all over the property.  May be I could plant it into another container same size and bury it in the ground. That would keep it from spreading. I need to decide soon.

The oxalis will come in on the first very cold night. I have had it around for a few years. It survived the shearing off by the rabbits and it sit up on a brick now.

I survived my trip to the grocery store this morning. It was not crowded and it was almost pleasant. I did the elf check out lane where I scan my own things.  They actually have someone at the end of the conveyor belt to sack it up for me.  It is a warm day today and I have things that I could be doing. See your tomorrow.

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