Friday, November 27, 2020


 I saw a bird drinking from the bird bath this morning. When I walked out there I could see that the ice was covering the whole thing.  The edges had just enough water that the bird could drink. I did not have anything with me to break up the ice and when I picked up the rock it was all frozen together. 

A closer look of the  blue spruce shows the color better. The sun was shining on it which enhanced its colors. 

Being a diabetic is difficult when you have to quit eating most things. I want to keep living so I am being good. The closest thing to pumpkin pie for me this year was a half of pumpkin muffin.  It full of white flour and sugar so I should have not eaten any of it. I should have only eaten a fourth of it but I didn't.  My counts were not so bad and I will be better behaved from here on.  

I thank your for stopping by today.

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