Saturday, November 28, 2020

Saturday's Report....

 There was pink color in the sky late afternoon yesterday.  I wen to take a photo of it and to my surprise the moon was already up there. It is almost full but not quite there yet. 

The older silver maple always gives me an interesting shot .  The pink is in the east so I can imagine the west was really impressive. 

It is not quite full. I have to take the shot again as it will be fuller ton it is right off of my deck, easy to see. 

While taking a few shots in the morning I had to take a shot of last winter's project.  I admire my own work sometimes because I remember how dank and dirty it was laying among rubble in the old barn.  I will have the chest of drawers to work on this winter.

I have lost too much weight. I was dropping weight with the diabetes diet but the surgery took my weight down below where I was as a high school kid. I can eat protein with out bothering my blood counts so I snack on cottage cheese and string cheeses. Grapes do give me a sweet treat. I am stronger but I really need to rebuild my muscles all over. 

We are going to put up one Christmas tree today. We may do it in stages along the way but maybe by evening we will have it up. Thanks for stropping by today.


  1. The pink sky and moon shots are pretty. I enjoy your wood working projects and your items displayed are so interesting. I pray you will find more variety of foods you can eat and build up your strength. I lost about thirty five pounds earlier this year from a bacterial infection. I have never been so sick. I look forward to you and Della sharing your Christmas tree.

  2. You are sounding stronger! It takes a little while to regain kind to can probably have meat with your meat:) There are some sugar free candies out there...Werthers makes a good one:)
