Monday, November 2, 2020

Kooky Spooks....

 Our son sent us some seasonal photos of our grand kids. Teddy actually sang us three different songs along with dance moves. He loves to sing and that was not the first time we had songs shared with us.


Ella was too young to understand any of it but she did join in when the boys paraded around in the house. Big brother A.J. is growing big as he sits at the table and looks in at his sister. He really loves his sister and plays with her a lot of times.

 A.J. is a trooper and is very willing to act the part.  He also liked to get into the background of Teddy's movies by prancing around being silly. 

The sedum looks like fall in its red brown colors. I have scattered leaves from all the neighbor's trees.  My front trees will drop their leaves all at once and I will have a truck load of leaves. I am off to have two more tests at the clinic today and on Wednesday I have an education meeting with my diabetic nurse specialists. I have dropped my blood sugar levels drastically already.  Thanks for stopping by this Monday.



  1. Fun to see your Grands all dressed up! They are sure cute! Good to hear your numbers are better! Stay safe!

  2. Thanks for sharing the sweet photos of the grandchildren. They are adorable. Praying for your tests. I miss having sedum plants in the garden,
