Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sunny Sunday.....


 A very windy day with some warmth helped to create clouds like this. It was nice to have the sunshime for motst of the day. Working outside was tolerable but the wind was a real bother.

I installed the trellis yesterday.  It is a temporary installation as I need to install some two by two stakes in the ground. That will be done in spring.   I may take it down later on but for now I wanted to see what it looks like. 

I like that the white vinyl trellis matches the railing so well. It has a rose planted at the base of it.  I was glad to see yesterday that the rose did transplant successfully as it stems were al green from growth. It will probably grow up half way on the grid the first summer. 

While finishing the job of clearing the zinnias and volunteer tomatoes I noticed I still had some phlox blooms showing. The hard freezes didn't seem to faze it. 

We are having a quiet Sunday at home again.  It is very cold outside and  we won't venture out today. Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. The trellis is very pretty and provides privacy. Amazing that the phlox is still blooming, I have enjoyed many online church services during the quarantine,
