Monday, November 30, 2020


 The silver maple down the street picked up a warm glow as the sun was starting to sit. The clouds were also getting some of the same color.

A different shot of my blue spruce tree. The sun light does make it glow. It is sunny again today but we are not above freezing this afternoon. 

We have a repairman coming this afternoon to work on the door of the sun room.  It sags and will not latch or lock anymore.  I am sure that the sun room did settle a little but somehow they said they could fix it. It was a problem when we had strong winds that blew it open. I had to lean in a chair under the knob to keep it closed. 

The day is sunny but cold and the birds are wanting to eat from the feeders. I am still only getting sparrows these days.  I thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Beautiful photos tonight but it does look cold. Best wishes with repairing the door. My kitchen faucet needs a repair and I am waiting on a plumber...always something!

  2. Cold here today also. Hope you get your door you know the butter knife in the door trim fix? We used that all the time on the farm where I grew up cause we had no locks on the doors:)
