Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tuesday Today.....

 My corner of my property has a scrubby -looking pussy willow tree. The neighbor's brand new fence is wonderful.  I hung all my birdhouses in the tree during my last summer's construction.  I never brought them back and didn't see if birds used the houses this summer.  The big spruce blocks the view of them.  I guess I could shake them and see if nests were built in them. 

I took a short walk out in the backyard this morning. I keep taking pictures of the cupola because I like it so much.  I built it at the old place inside during the winter in our art gallery area. My father-in-law was still living with us and he was amused watching me shingling it inside the house.  I did place it on my garden shed and it was up there for years until the connecting boards rotted out and I had to take it down. 

I created a project today and it is done.  I had an old piece of oak and recycled it from a cabinet that I had to tear up and throw away. I did have to use my miter saw but it was minimal muscle use and I created the legs for it. No nails but a good wood glue helped me put it together.  Your seeing the bad side of the shelf here in this photo.

I needed to consolidate some plants from the other window to this one window.  So I made a shelf for the African violets. Being in the hospital and having to recoup for three weeks has cause the violets to bloom. They didn't get any care and they like that.  I don't recommend hospitalization for encouraging your violets. Anyway, the board works great to elevate the plants into more light and tomorrow I will have the full view of all the plants that I put in that corner window. A Christmas tree is going iin front ofo the other window.

Downstairs the oxalis  is rebounding from being outside. You can see it wishes to be outside  again by the way it is leaning but it is 29 degrees F. out there. 

Thank  you for stopping by today. I do feel better but I have to do a lot of resting between small tasks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Larry, We all have to rest a bit between tasks! Cause we are getting older! :) Your Violets like neglect! :)
