Tuesday, December 29, 2020



 On this Peanuts wrapping paper you tend to thin they are mostly all out in the now.  It makes it relevant as we are getting our heavy snow. The forecast says it will be 1005 snow all day with some wind to move it around. 


The snow is building up as you view the roof of the feeder. It is tough weather for them to come to the feeder but a few are coming in for some quick seeds.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Cute Peanuts paper and snoopy. I think you have a Peanuts coffee mug too. Those birds are brave to be feeding in such frigid weather.

  2. The snow has completely filled in our birdfeeders! ( Huge drift!) Doesn't matter much as the birds have been ignoring them all winter. Maybe because they are not transparent? BTW As I'm writing this... SNOW LIGHTNING AND THUNDER! I think that is impossibly rare for a snow storm. Very Exciting! ( Not the snow so much.. but the phenomenon!)
