Wednesday, December 30, 2020


The morning after shows the city truck clearing our streets. The company who clears my drive came late in the evening to to the driveway and returned a few house to do the sidewalk. 


It was an interesting sky with the openings of light. The sun shines behind my neighbors house so I can get a full sunrise photo. The walks are all cleared this morning by others. I could hear snowblowers working before I got out of bed this morning. 

The ice and snow blowing kept me from getting a good focus on big red here. It was blowing hard yesterday and shifting snow everywhere. 

 The snow build-up on the roof shows the amount of snow thqt we had. It is clear today on Wednesday and not too many people are out on the roads. 

Happiness for me was being able to have mince meat pie but it is now all gone.  I had to take such small pieces and it still made my blood numbers go high.  Now that it is all gone I can get back to better numbers. I spoke with my newest doctor yesterday on the iPhone.  She is a specialists that wants to rework my meds and insulin.  I hope it will make me fell a lot better. I won't eat any more pie eer. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Interesting sky pics. I am sorry the pie raised your numbers. I pray the new dr. Can adjust your meds and that you feel better. Thanks for sharing the Cardinal.

  2. There are two guys across the street have their snowblowers out before I even wake up!

  3. I waited until my baby brother showed up, in no time at all I was shoveled out! The snow makes everything look so pretty!
