Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Cold and Very White.......



 It think the total was close to 13 inches. My crew came two days in a row to clear my drive and sidewalks. It snowed in full what the night crew had done. Yesterday it was a crew of one who worked hard to get it all cleared. 

I was outside through the down stairs door and took some photos. It was almost boring as everything is just white with lots of snow.  I did get reminded that my summer was shut down early when I became ill and the tools didn't get used or put away after August. I may just bring them into the shop rather that try to open up the outdoor shed doors with all the snow in front of them.

I had to trudge through deep snow to go in the backyard. I decided it was not worth it so I too a couple of shots and returned inside where it was warm.  We are having a cold day of 19 degrees F. for most of the day. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Lots of snow this year here as well. Looks like you might have slightly more... Then gain, the drifting can make the depth look different. Good day to own a snow blower!

  2. Glad you have someone to clfear your snow. Is that a Fox Squirrel?

  3. Wow that is quite a bit of snow for you...we don't have that much! We barely made it above zero today 2F I think was the high:(
