Thursday, January 28, 2021

Thursday's Things....

 You have to crook your neck to get to the certain seed in the suet. The guy continues to visit at least once a day.

The sparrows are my major visitors at the feeders. They do come and go all day finding good things to eat. 

The young man who cleared my walks and driveway for the second time covered my cords and deer. I have been plugging him it so sparkle among the snow but I will have to dig in the snow to find the plug in of the cord. The person clearing the snow looked thin and frail and I at first that it was a girl doing the job. The person was working hard but didn't seem so strong. They did a great job but I was surprised to see the thin face had facial hair on his chin. I am betting he was a high school boy that came to do the drive after school was out. 

We were down to minus two degrees last night. It was our coldest for this season. We have warmed up to 12 degrees F. now. I was able to facetime yesterday with my brother in California as he set with sun shining in his face.  He is a covid survivor. He is 78 years old and did not seek treatment. The person in which he rents a room to in his house is still laying in the hospital in a coma.  I was glad to talk with my brother and see his dogs running around all over his patio. All of his animals come in before sundown as coyotes are thick in California and do take small pets at night. Cats and dogs are not safe outside. 

We are headed to get groceries this noon hour and we might just get a quarter pounder with cheese to eat afterward.  Thank you for checking in today.

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