Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Middle of the Week.....

 It is melting around my fake geese. The female still has her beak caught in the snow. It isn't a warm up trend but it is just above freezing.

The path I shoveled to the bird feeders has all cleared now. We will have a high of 37 degrees F. which will make a slight dent into it all. 

The ornaments are off of the smallest tree and have been taken downstairs for storage. The tree is downstairs too but temporarily in the spare bedroom until things get reorganized. 

Wednesday seems to be starting off really busy for me with things that I have to do for my health. I take a daily insulin shot but also on Wednesday I take another one which is not insulin. It will help me to develop my own insulin.  I have one other new  procedure added to my routine that I will share when I get through  the 30 days.  I found out yesterday that a niece of mine who lives in Holland also has caught Covid. She  is young so I hope that is to her advantage. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The ornaments are so colorful. I pray your niece improves quickly. Glad your snow is melting.

  2. That is a pretty box of ornaments! I sure hope your niece recovers from Covid with no lasting problems.
    Sounds like you are doing ok with the diabetes. I have been seeing a patch that gives numbers so maybe someday you can avoid the finger prick:)
