Tuesday, January 5, 2021

 The old silver maple tree is like a living sculpture in the winter. It even glows with the color of the sky. The broken limb finally fell to the ground after a couple of years. 

The mourning dove is so peaceful as it eats with the two sparrows without bother. I usually see them in pairs but this one was alone.

I never got a chance to get a full body shot but this shows you the head and tail and the same time.

I have mentioned before how we moved in to the place but have slowly hung things on the walls.  I just added my wife painting at the bottom and it looked ok but lonely.  While digging through the store room yesterday I found one of my wooden shapes.  It is modeled after an old horse weather vane. I sold them for a while in our art studio. That was 25 years ago or more and I moved some of the leftovers with us. I had cut some from old pieces of lumber from the old house but his one was from newer wood. 

The only bluebirds I will ever see in our area will be on this hand painted plate. I bought it at a flea market in Minnesota years ago. It was an open air market along the North Shore. I felt badly about it as a lady with the last name of Miller had hand painted and it must have been tossed into an auction box. 

We were up early this morning for me to go have my blood drawn at the hospital. The only good thing about it was we bought Egg McMuffins afterwards so I could get food in me.  I had to be on fasting period before they could do the draw. It is cold out there so it is good to be back home. The breakfast was not good for a diabetic with all that bread but I will compensate for it by not eating something later today.  

I hope all of you are out and about and are safe. My aunt in a nursing home has picked up covid from a worker at the place. It will be tough for her as she is very old and was already in a declined health condition. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Pretty sky in the silver maple photo. I love to hear the mourning doves. I am beginning to see blue birds again, I watched them raise three families in my bird house last year. The dish you bought with blue birds is very sweet, I love seeing your and Dellas art and wood sculpture displayed. It is always hard to get out early in cold mornings, especially while fasting, I am very sorry about your aunt,

  2. Oh my so sorry to hear about your Aunt, the elderly is hit so hard with the virus. A friend who used to blog lost her Father in Law just before New Year and her Mother In Law yesterday to Covid. So sad. Stay safe out there!
