Monday, January 4, 2021

Monday's Mentions....



I tried to relive the old days by creating this terrarium.  It is a novel thing but not to impressive.  I don't have to water it as it holds it moisture in its little world. I don't know how long it has been since I first planted it but I do think it has been over a year. 

My neighbor wrote me a note today saying that deer had been up on my porch at our old place. She feeds a stray cat on out porch and I bet one of them wanted to eat some of it.  The snow fall has been so heavy that the deer are having a hard time finding food in the harvested corn fields.  We are melting a little bit today but it really isn't clearing much.  Our old place has a field across the street and small herds of deer could be seen there in the night in the past. 

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I have always loved terrariums but it has been many years since I created one, yours are doing well.
    My dog and I saw a deer on the church property across from us last week. The church has many life sized animals in the woods for their archery meets and at first I did not know that deer was real

  2. Terrariums were all the rage back in the day...the late 1879 maybe. Deer on your old porch that is exciting! Stay safe!
