Saturday, January 2, 2021

Saturday Stuff.....

 Out in the very cold temperatures I filled the feeder for the hungry birds.  It is 9 degrees F. and it does make the fingers tingle when you don't wear gloves.  I have a variety of things in the tubes including black sunflower seeds.

There is not melting of snow again today. The wind shifted my cupola a bit and it has a lean to it now.  I knew the winds were strong during our last snowstorm but I didn't think it would shift the structure. 

It is pretty stark looking out there with the layer of snow and the cold air. I thought I would venture out but it is too cold to do that. I could make some tracks in the snow to join the rabbit tracks and bird prints. 

Back in my basement I decided to shift some plants around and place these guys on my drawing board.  They don't really need much light.  I have too many of these kinds of plants as I keep thinning out the main plants and add them to other pots. I don't like to kill plants. I have another one upstairs that is so overcrowded and really needs to be divided.  I have to go out to my outside shed to get soil in a bag.  That means I won't do that until it warms up a bit.

The thought of taking down trees is in the back of my mind but my energy level is not up to normal for that kind of thing.  It is Saturday and I am not doing anything new or strenuous on a weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I know the birds appreciate the seeds in the cold temps. I love seeing your potted plants. Nice to have a few that don’t require a lot of light. I would enjoy the lovely Christmas trees for a while before taking them down. I wish you both a nice evening.

  2. Happy New Year!! Your snow will melt before mine will...but we are having a nice day today!!
