Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Day....

 A new year is upon us.  I am not sure of it being much better but I am going to work on my attitude.  I wish the cardinal would come by more often but ihe probably has a better feeder elsewhere that is better.We saw a wood pecker yesterday at the hanging feeder.  My son says he sees woodpeckers eating sunflowers on rare times. 

The begonia is blooming again while sitting in the sliding door downstairs. The oxalis is also  looking healthy in the background. 

The sledding kids in my wife's village are always having a good time. The little girl yelling down the hill from the top is so typical.  Our one Pastor took his kids to slide down a Des Moines golf course hill yesterday.  I go to see a video of it as they slide down a very long hill. 

Thanks for stopping by today. I wish you all to have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to see your plants doing well. Larry’s grandchildren went sledding recently in Calif.
