Friday, February 12, 2021

Freezing Friday.......

 The burning bush is not so hot today. It was a light snow for us yesterday aftenoon. It was so lihgt that I don't think it has to be cleared from the sidewalks.

A broom will probably take care of this area. It is suppose to snow lightly again today for five or more hours today. If it gets build up enough that the hired guns, snow people, will come and take it off. 

No bloom this year from this bulb.  It is a carry-over bulb of an amaryllis.  Usually the bloom comes first and that didn't happen so I will just have foliage. I haven't been anywhere to buy a new one for this year.

The poinsettia from last year is still alive.  It is not very good looking but it is making some red leaves on its own.

My only bird for the day is this smaller sparrow. It is sitting right on the pile of seed. It is a good place for a hungry and cold bird to be. It is -2 degrees F. right now and it will warm up to 0 degrees F. by noon. What a heat wave we will have. My one brother in Arizona is 64 degrees F. today and my brother in Yorba Linda, California is 57 degrees F.  I don't feel like moving south but on days like this one would wish to live somewhere else. We are home today with no appointments or grocery shopping.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Well, whatever you do, don't come to CA. We are slowly but surely becoming a third world country/state and I don't think you would like it here. The bloom is off the rose in CA

  2. Stay warm! I know the winter is getting to be long! :(
