Saturday, February 13, 2021

One Degree F. High......


The squrriel was busy digging through the snow to get to the tray of seeds. He did get a lot to eat from the above feeder. 

It is a busy place and I need to replenish seed in the hanging feeder.  The have eaten a lot the last two days. We did get up to 1 degree F today but we will drop again soon.  We were out to get meds this morning and pick up some supplies. It was crowed as everyone was buying their Valentine things.  I did get my flowers bought. It was so stinging cold on the hands and face. I will wear gloves today to go fill the feeders.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. That cardinal sure is sharp dressing fellow! I like the squirrel, too...I forgot to say that in an earlier shot.
