Friday, February 5, 2021

Peruvian Lily...

 It is nice to see fresh flowers out on the table when there is a snowstorm happening. The peruvian lily makes a great cut flower.  I see by me research that it comes in many different colors. 

The neighbor's yard is looking smooth and clean this morning after yesterday's snow. The dog is on vacation with her people right now so there are not any tracks of the dog anywhere. 

The people who clear my snow cam late afternoon and removed most of the snow. I am glad the wind did not blow it all back in over the night. 

The feeder gets snowed in from yesterday's weather but they do seem to be able to scratch the snow away to get to the seed. 

It is a winter wreath with fake birds on it.  Our cardinals at the old place didn't like it and tried to attack the replica birds. I hope all are well today.  

My bothers in California and Arizona have their shots now but Iowa is slow.  Someone in the county Public Health  gave a private school's teachers special treatment. They got a lot of criticism about it so they are putting us old people on hold now while they busily open up the shots to the rest of the teachers in the county to cover for their discrimination.  The CEO of the Public Health for our county has a son attending the private school. We were told not to even try to register until next Thursday and there are not many vaccines available so don't don't get your hopes up. Politics with covid treatment rears its ugly face. 

Thanks for checking in om my blog today.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get the shot soon. You snow looks nice and is windy here:(
