Thursday, February 4, 2021

Thursday's Things....

 It did storm this morning with the one lone bird trying to eat at the feeder. The snow has come and gone all morning but the 45 mph wind is happening. 

The house across the street has a clump birch that is being covered with more snow this morning. I missed my birch tree at the old place but I can appreciate this one every time I go to get the mail. 

We can stay warm inside in the sun room but on a day like today the wind makes it a challenge for the heater. I can't seem to capture that blowing snow with the camera but it really feels like a blizzard with the wind blowing snow off of all the tops of the houses. 

Another birch tree grows almost two blocks over seen down between the houses. The zoom on the camera brings it in closer than what we really do see. 

I set up a temporary tank for my goldfish by filling an older smaller tank with fresh water. The tank they were in was getting to algae ridden on the glass. I carried buckets of water to this one and found my surgery muscles are still not quit healed up for me. I was glad to get these four fish into a fresh environment and clear water.  I used to have a very large tropical fish tank going for years but life got to be busy.  I gave that very large tank away and now wish I had it back. I do goldfish for now as they are simple to take care of in cold water.  My brother in California has a koi pond in his backyard and I joke that this is my Iowa koi tank.  I do think goldfish are of the carp family too. 

A photo of a future project. The box came from my neighbors place from a pile of things. She had a tornado destroy here barn and these were laying around.  It was the shipping crate of the past for machine shop supplies.

 Our Christmas gift to our granddaughter never did get to her so we ordered ans sent her a new gift. The doll we ordered was actually from China and is probably sitting on a dock somewhere on the coastline. We found her a musical pull toy and she loves it.  We saw her with it last night on facetime.  Ella is starting to talk and really gets excited about communicating. It was so great to see her. 

 Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We have a gift lost in Texas...had to replace it also. I wonder where do all these items go?
    Such pretty trees:)

  2. Most stuff like this that is lost and undeliverable ends up in auctions. There was a program on the Discovery Channel about an auction of lost airline luggage that happens about every 3 months. People we buying unopened suitcases, boxes, anything that could be checked on an airplane, in hopes of finding treasure.
