Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Red One on Deck....

 It was a short visit so I snapped as many quick shots that I could.  He takes the sunflower seeds off to a tree to open it but the safflowers he stays and eats them outright. 

He tolerates the house finches but does make the sparrows scatter. The two female house finch seem to be keeping their distance.

Yesterday afternoon we had some great clouds to view. The colors of blue were great to see even though it was cold out there. 

We still have a good snow cover that is decreasing a little at a time in the sun shine. We won't get warmer than 30 degrees F. today. I just paid for the clearing of the walks and driveway.  I got double billed for they were here two days in a row. 

A picture of chick a dee that was at the feeder for a fleeting moment. I will share the other two shots of the bird tomorrow.  The grab seed and fly away quicker than the cardinal does. I can't get my camera turned on quick enough to capture them. 

I saw a faint amount of snow coming down this morning for a few minutes and that did stop. Winter is going to a lot colder for us now the next few days.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The Arctic Blast will be here in a few days:( Stay warm!

  2. What a stunningly beautiful bird, they sit in bare trees, and stick out brightly like Christmas baubles.
    You've had your share of cold weather and so much snow, hopefully the sunshine will help wash that away.
    Lovely pictures Larry.
