Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Chick a Dee Dee Dee.....


When you see them come and go so quickly it is a great opportunity just to get shots of parts of him.  Chick a Dee birds are beautiful. 

 It is a light frost on the trees today.  It isn't heavy enough to really show up but yet you can see it coats the limbs. This is my red bud tree that I planted a couple of years ago.  I am waiting for it to go into full bloom this spring.  It is hard to wait for something to grow and mature but I can wait


The locust tree in front shows off its frost with the dark colored limb. We are warming up enough to melt off some of this snow. I would like to see some of it go before our next storm tomorrow. We do go into the deep freeze in a xouple of days.


Yes we do live on a man-made hill.  It isn't the tallest house on the street but it is close. I can look up the street and see two more houses sitting at a higher point. It looks like a small house but it isn't with the back side being a two story house. That means we go down the hill to get to the back yard. I will share that view at another time.

It is Wednesday, Trulicity day for me, a day that I get two shots not just one. I keep playing with my diet to keep my numbers down but I can assure you that a half of apple pie from McDonald's sent my number to the sky. It takes a lot of eating of protein to bring it back down. I know a lot of diabetics that just don't bother but I do know I need to take seriously.  

Thanks for checking in on me today.......


  1. Chickadees are the most common bird we see. Nice shot of your house, and a nice house!

  2. You have a lovely looking house! The birds are eating a lot her today! Squirrels too! Stay warm! I am certain you will master the foods and the diabetes and soon it will be just a new way of everday life:)
