Saturday, April 17, 2021

A Bird's Tail.....

It really is a good photo with balance and design. I missed the bird but I got a great shot of the suet container and the tail. It would be a creative thing to enter into a photo contest.  I suppose the people who ran contests wouldn't see the essence of whole view. 


I will show you the female downy eating at the feeder. I see this morning that the whole cake of suet is now gone. 

This is a wait and see   plant for me.  I think it could be the field lilies. I just dont remember planting them. I  don't think they are daylilies. We wil wait and see.

The daylily looks like this. I don't think they are the same kind of plants. In many ways it is too early for some things to be up but I am concerned that the voles lived off of my lily of the valley plants. There is nothing coming up and the ones at the old place are three inches high out of the ground.  I can replant them but I don't know of much that would cause them to die out. It was a strong bed of them that grew under the old deck stairs. 

The tree is just too small to look impressive but it is the best I can do. I know that they can grow fast as I had one at the old place. It matured at a fast pace.  I was at ace hardware this morning to get a pdropane gas exchange.  The steak we were going to cook on the grill didn't happen as the tank was just empty.  The steak did taste good fried in the electric skillet but a grilled flavor is better. I bought lots of things at the hardware including batteries, mole poison, and more suett cakes for the woodpeckers. I also put out the big bucks for a couple of seed socks to attract goldfinches. I hope that it does work. 

We are having a nice day with it being less cold than the past few days. My lawn got mowed on Thursday and I was not happy by the job that they did.  I was glad that the trimming did make me happy. I guess I can't be too picky when I can't mow it myself.  Maybe the second mowing will look better as the grass matures more. 

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you like the lawn mowing people eventually! Interesting that you leave the plastic tray on the suet...we take ours out so they can feed from both sides:) Your grass looks really green!
