Sunday, April 18, 2021

Red Truck......and More.


If the neighbor had his white truck out there I would have cropped it out of the picture. The visiting red truck fits in great and sort of balances the view. Planting all those tulips in the cold and wind two years ago really did pay off now as I have lots of nice flowers  now.  

 Out front the bluebells are beginning to fill in with blooms. There a lot of them that have not opened. I have always liked this old fashion flower.  At our old place it grows like a wild flower.  This one must have been purchased at a nursery and planted there as it is so big. I have a stray one blooming down from it as it has spread. I will move that to another location to get it started  elsewhere.

These multi-petaled tulips are blooming now.In a lower light I can photograph them to show the subtle colors of pink in the white. I guess the internet tells me that they are called double tulips. 

The creeping phlox is starting to be pretty but it isn't blooming all at once. The foliage really isn't that good looking but once the flowers set on it does look great. I may cut it back after it blooms as it gets to be unruly. 

We are having a quiet Sunday and the weather is warming up outside. We both walked the gardens this morning and I was surprised to see the lily of the valley had popped up overnight.  I was concerned that the voles had eaten them. Other plants are showing up as it warms up.  We are going to be eating asparagus soon.  

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Yes, I like the red truck too. We'll catch up with your spring in about a month I reckon!

  2. I like your Virginia Bluebells too! Such a pretty color! It turned cold here today:(
