Friday, May 28, 2021

Frigid Fitday....

 I didn't have a warm coat on yesterday afternoon so I froze while I collected flowers. Cold winds are bad. I am glad I cut some as I won't be going out to see who they are doing today. The peonies are not doing well with the rain. I makes them sag.


The iris that were too short for the big bouquet fit perfectly in a bud vase  Both of these are antique iris.

I keep thinking that my age and health are telling me I should shut down my gardens a little at a time. So what did I do yesterday? I started a hosta garden at the front of they cement slab. I think the wagon wheel is where it is going to stay so I am going to make a green garden below/near the water spigot. I dug out three different ones. They were just growing underneath the leaves of its neighboring plant. I will show an after photo soon.

I am glad to see my yard being mowed right now.  It had been two weeks plus one day and it was way too long. I changed my contract so it can be mowed once a week. I used to mow it about every 8 or 9 days but they won't give me that kind of service. The mowing person uses a mower where he is standing on the back of the mower. He is bundled up with stocking cap and layered warm up pants and winter coat.  I hope we warm back up soon.   

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. The bouquets you picked are so pretty. Hard to believe how cold and windy it is there when we are so hot! With our health, we only brought elephant ear bulbs and one small dogwood tree with us from the last home. I have purchased a few Lantana plants but we are realizing we can no longer do what we once did. I like your idea of a hosta garden near the wagon wheel.

  2. The weather is the same here in Nashua, NH, Larry. It is cold, wet and windy at times. There were some fairly warm to hot days a week or so ago, but now those days are long gone for the foreseeable next week. Gardens are a lot of work as is lawn care. Your flowers are always lovely to see.
