Saturday, May 29, 2021

Saturday.....Rocks and Things.

 The William Baffin rose is starting to bloom all over the bush. There are lots of buds so it will be blooming for a long time.

The wind was so strong that I had to hold on to the bloom to get it to hold still. The winds were really moving the flowers back and forth causing a little bit of damage. 

I do have one tomato on the vine already but most of the other plants are setting blooms for future fruit. Some hot weather would help out making things grow faster. 

I moved the rocks from the basement of the old place to the new home. I finally carried them from the garage to the basement.  My dad became interested in rock collection during the later part of his farming years. He had a polisher/grinder and loved to polish rocks. After my dad had passed my mom was becoming a little mind confused.  She would call and say she thought my brother was stealing the collection one rock at a time and selling them and she didn't know what to do.  I told her finally to put them in a container and I would bring them home to keep them safe.  It did take that worry off her mind but then I had this  heavy can of rocks to walk around for years.  I didn't need another person's collection to add to all my stuff but here it is. My dad wanted them to go to the grandsons so I will have to work on that.  I will share more about the individual rocks as I was involved in collecting some of them on a rock hunter's trip out to Wyoming.


We did not freeze last night even though we bordered two counties that had frost warnings.  I guess that the cold does slow down the blooms so they will last longer.  I got my yard mowed yesterday and it was way overdue. The machine that he uses crushes down the grass after it is mowed so it doesn't look good until the next day. I could mow it with a whole lot more of care and precision but not until next year. 

We are too cold today to do much of anything outside. It would be nice to go to a plants nursery this morning but I don't want to wear winter coats to do it. I replanted some hardy geraniums yesterday that I had held over inside. I put all in a larger pot.  They will need hot sunlight to get them to bud and bloom. 

Thanks for stopping by today.  I have to quit now as I am having problems with sentence structure today. I hope I got them all straightened out. 


  1. The rose is lovely and all those buds to look forward to. I remember in the past you talking about your dads rock collection. That is so interesting and I hope one day the grandchildren will enjoy them. That last photo is so pretty with the combination of plants and colors you have growing, it is still hot here but I have a few blog friends who are cold today. We did have rain overnight, which helped. I am sorry your lawn guy is not all you had hoped. It is frustrating to relinquish jobs that you have always done yourself.
    I wish you both a good afternoon, is it too cold for you to cook on the grill this weekend?

  2. Beautiful roses. I used to collect rocks like that too, but I never did get a polisher.

  3. Your roses are so pretty! It is cold here too...I suppose that will change one of these froze here 27 degrees...I am certain some of the Chokecherries will not make berries:(
