Monday, May 24, 2021

Monday's Mania......

 It did stop raining for quite a while. The clouds looked large and billowy. I did get sprinkled on while I grilled but it didn't last. 

The garden fence is up for now.  I don't think the present resident rabit will eat anything in there but I do have baby lettuce plants coming up. The fence makes everything look mor official and it covers up the bad spacing that I did with my tomato plants. They will get big enough that no one will know.. 

I have two blooms almost open on my front yard peonies. The rains have helped to get them going. 

I have this dark iris planted in a couple of different places and both plants are now blooming. They call it a  black iris but it really does have color.  Different companies that sell it give it different names. If I would dig around in my old blogs I could fine the name of mine. 

I am anxious to see what this bloom will look like. I am thinking it is a full pink blossom and yet it could be one of the old fashion kinds. I really don't remember as they get moved, being dug in a non-blooming season. 

I did a thing to my one foot so I am wearing solid sturdy shoes. I  look at them and remember that these were the shoes I wore all over Israel. They have been in Turkey then into Israel. We drove through Tel Aviv, a wonderful modern city, and ended up near the Mediterraen Sea.  We stayed at a very fortified hotel at Netanya where the rockets could have hit us. All buildings in Israel are built with thick concrete to keep them from falling down. We were at the Tel of Dan where Lebanon rockets were shot south. Golan was near there also where rockets fly. The cities up there are made of solid concrete with bomb shelters. The shores were on a boat floating on the Sea of Galilee as well as walked into the Muslin Quarter to visit Bethlehem. I know they are just shoes but they have visited many places. The Temple Mount and the Olive Gardens are where they have been. It is hard to understand what has happen in Israel and their success has to be destroyed by one or two radical groups. I am glad we took that trip and knowing the memories will last for ever.  I suppose I will never throw away the shoes. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I love the peony blooms and the dark iris. Great shot of the moon also.
    So happy you both got to take the trip. You have wonderful memories and photos.

  2. Israel is tough! I'm not sure what the terrorist plan on accomplishing with rockets... But Israel has the Iron dome, and that seems to be working. I'm sure it is a beautiful place and would be even better if they did not have to worry about bombs. ( Love the Moon shot... It was SUPER bright last night.)

  3. It is a good thing you took that trip when you did!No one messed with Israel when we had a different president:(
