Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Tuesday's Things.....


Old fashioned peony from the old place. I was glad I moved it down here. The former owner has all new store bought  varieties in the front yard. 

I also moved this to the peony row in the back yard. This is the first year that the five of them will look great and be at full bloom. This too is an older variety with the outer flat petals surround the inner flower. There is a speck of red in the middle too.

My neighbor at the old place had this color of iris. I succeeded in getting it moved and its one meager stem is better than nothing. I use to call the flag iris. I would collect and growth them in Minnesota at the cabin.   I see some friends call this variety Siberian iris and I have seen Japanese iris. I guess it just doesn't matter.

Someday the light blue one will look like this one. I have two locations of this and I don't think I need to divide and move anymore.  It is difficutl to dig into them. 

It was totally clear last night so I took another shot. You see that it is almost full. A little dent on the lest will probably be gone soon.  I planted a couple of rows of more glads today. I did it more than two weeks latter than the last batch so I can have cut flowers for a longer time. I also planted a whole section of the new raised bed area with three different kinds of zinnias. If they start to grow I will plant more in the other section. I had no success with the planting of marigolds in a treay of dirt. I don't know why they did not grow.  I thank your for stopping by today. Have the best day.


  1. It is nice to see the bird feeding, mother had a peony that was white with a little red. Your peonies and iris varieties are all beautiful. Curious about your marigolds. It is too hot to be outdoors here. We are watering very early morning. I hope you both are enjoying the day.

  2. Great flowers! Neither the Iris nor the Peonies are out here yet.

  3. Moon is out again tonight, I thought the clouds would hide it, but it appears they have parted. great pics!
