Saturday, May 22, 2021

Saturday's Stuff......

 The rains were great to cause the flowers to grow faster and bloom better. The Japanese iris is just starting to bloom seen there in the middle of the row. 

The partial start of blooms of the Japanese iris is impressive. It was worth the wait to see them. The other planting of these is in full bloom. 


A cardinal pair were successful in raising new birds. I couldn't figure it all out right away as the baby birds are actually full grown already.  Both male and female birds chirp or click trying to get an adult bird to feed them. From what I have seen that the adults are letting them figure it out on their own as the hit the dogwood bushes and also the red bud tree picking at something that is growing on them.


They do look dull grown to me but they just keep clicking for someone to come feed them. The two in the above picture were also in my neighbor's vegetable garden area looking around.


I was glad to see that they hatched females too. I know there are at least two males and t his one female is out there this morning. I now understand why I have been seeing cardinals darting around out there in the garden.  I am looking for the nest but I am sure if it is in the blue spruce, I won;t find it. My wife saw a young male at the feeder and she wondered why the bird was having a hard time pick at the seeds. 

The iris is at its peak for blooming. I am taking as many photographs as I can as they tend to be gone overnight. I see that I planted two of different kinds right together.  I guess I didn't know them as there were no blooms on them.  They both came from over next to the fence where they were not doing well because they were in too much shade. I have a couple more over in that area that will not bloom sot they will get moved soon. In the picture you can see the size difference of the cemetery older iris and the classic one. I have blog friend that can't believe that my iris is blooming but I live in zone 4. People north of me are in zone 6 or 7.  Our area is borderline between 4 and 5 when you get a closer view of the map.

No rain today and that is alright for now.  We do need more rain but whole days of rain like we had for two days did get to be bothersome. The sun comes out off and on today.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Love the Blue ones! The Cardinals always throw me for a loop around here. Sometimes they are BRIGHT red! Usually during or after a rain ( don't know why) They are so bright, I mistake them for a Tanager. Though I have only seen one Scarlet Tanager in my life and that was in Michigan. I'm still bedazzled by the cardinals when we do see them. Very pretty bird.

  2. Such joy to see the Cardinals. I love your cottage garden and your irises are so beautiful. We are having high temps in the nineties for the next few days.
