Friday, May 21, 2021

Friday....and Humid.

 Waiting out the rain by sitting on the railing. The mourning dove sits still alot when it isn't raining but the downpour did seem to make it sit still. 

The view of the canna shows that it likes the rain. The grass is green and looking good. We are catching up on some of our need for water but we are still considered being in a drought. 

An old fashioned iris is doing well. I have four of these cemetery iris all different ones. I decide that I do have four or five others that are more modern types of itis.

The hardy geraniums are doing well in the front raised bed. I seem to have lost my black eyed Susans in here and I though they were really hardy.You can barely see the coral bells that are blooming on the right side. 

It is nice to see the "knock out" rouses blooming again. I have a lot of buds on the three bushes. 

It is Friday and it has seemed like a fast moving week. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Your flower beds and roses are lovely. I lost black eyed Susan’s at my last house. I don’t know if the dry weather did them in or what.
    I guess the dove likes watching the rain fall. We are due for temps in the 90s in the next few days.
