Thursday, May 20, 2021

Thursday's Things.....

 With great joy the goldfinch stopped by for a very brief moment. It is the first I have seen this season. We don't have them around as much since the very large meadow south of our town sprouted up a housing development. My wife has a distant cousin that has lived south of there for fifty years and she misses seeing the deer that frequented that large acreage. It took them two years to fill it in with houses.


 The sound was like a chirping sparrow but I did look closer and it was a young male cardinal. Can you see him in the bushes.  I took a blind shot and discovered he was in the picture.


 He wasn't friendly but yet he wasn't frightened of me as he moved to the outer edge of the bushes. There is a seed that forms as the flowers diminish.

 He hen posed for me on the fence letting me get a shot of him. I am sure he is one of the two that were chasing each other back and forth in the yard a couple of days ago. 

 I am anxious to see these open. I know the rains are helping them to grow and I will be glad that I planted them there. It has been possible three years or seasons that I have had to wait to get mature peonies. 

No more appointments for me for a while now. I had a good check up with my endocrinologist  I met with her in real life yesterday. My blood numbers were wonderful yesterday and she changed some of my meds. It was a bear to find the office as it was built sandwiched to the back of the main hospital. Lots of twists and turns, going in on level A from the parking ramp and we had to do a lot of sign reading to find the floor we needed to be on to get there.

We are having a rainy morning again today.  It is great that we are getting moisture. No big plans for me today but I will find something to do. Maybe plant some zinnia seeds.  Thanks for checking in today. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful for your good report from the dr. It takes both of us to find where we are supposed to be in this new town. I made a wrong turn visiting our new dr. Last week.
    I cannot wait to see your peony blossoms. Love to see your bird visitors, too.
    Enjoy your day.
