Monday, June 28, 2021

First Day.....

 Sunday's afternoon clouds are billowy. No rain for the whole day and clouds seem to be abundant keeping us gray a lot of the day.

Looking down on my tomato patch you can see things are pretty green.  I went ahead and watered them some this morning to make sure they are growing good. Out grass looks greener now that we have a couple of inches of rain. 

Our patio tomato plant is a cherry tomato. We each had two small tomatoes for supper. Two bites is better than none. 

The bird bath shows that we did get rain. I sometime fill it but I haven't does so for a while. The birds like my small chicken water up on the desk too. 

My neighbor keeps adding things to his back yard.  His swimming pool was finished by late fall and now he has a deck made to be to  the edge of the pool.  He bought this shed this spring and placed it to the end of his house. That was not zone correct so last weekend they moved it into the corner of the fenced area.  I is crowded in to the space between the fence and the children's playhouse. It makes it look more crowded and right up close to us. 

The day lily was ready to bloom yesterday and today it has started opening up blooms. Photos will probably show up tomorrow. 

A gray Monday for us with rain promised to be north of us and south of us. Sometime those predictions don't cout on fronts wandering. We may get rain this afternoon.  We are still really dry so it would be welcomed. Theat is all from me for today. See you tomorrow if you choose to do so.


  1. Hope you get the rain you need we finally got some! It will all help. Your Cherry tomatoes look great!

  2. Rain is expected here by the end of the week after the current heat wave breaks. We are in the 90s which is still cooler than the temps in other parts of the country. I’m sure you both enjoyed those first fresh tomatoes, Larry.
