Sunday, June 27, 2021

A Slow Day.....

 A whole branch from the rose seemed to be laying on the ground. I don't know what caused it but I made a great cut rose for indoors. 

New seed helps to create a community gathering. The house finch is busy on the seed sock while the cove and sparrow check things out at the feeder. 

Both doves really don't mind sharing the feeder as long as there is lots of food. I feed them less this time of the year as the seeds all sprout down on the ground below the feeder. It keeps me busy pulling grasses below. 

The heavy rains has taken out the clematis blooms. This is my last shot before our raining few days.  It is a luxury to have things not suffering so much from the drought. Our grass is coming back looking greener each day.  

It is a quiet Sunday today for us.  I hope all are well out there.  Thanks for stopping by...


  1. I don't mind the rain. Seems like it is going to rain today. I know my Cardinal Creeper and Tomatoes could use the drink. it says it is only 75 but it certainly feels warmer.

  2. Such a pretty rose bloom, at least you can enjoy it in a vase and maybe even use it as a rooted cutting:)

  3. The downed rose branch left you with a lovely bloom to bring indoors, so it was not lost. Nice that the doves do not mind sharing.
