Saturday, June 26, 2021

Stuff for Saturday....



 We are getting rain.  It comes and goes often.  We are not getting the same amounts as those south of us but we did get some this morning which was heavy.  We are catching up and maybe our river supply will build up for our city water supply. 

My zinnia patch is pathetic but it will shape up once things grow large. I keep transplanting small starts from the other side of the garden to get them into rows. If the roots get established they do grow fast and even out in size. 

It is a waiting game for the day lilies to bloom. This is a new one and it will be its second year to bloom. I do remember the color but it will be fun to see what it actually does look like.



Right nest to the one above is the neighbors smaller lily bloom. It is more pastel and small. The blooms to come on mine are bold dark colors. 

It is Saturday and we are home again today. I may have to go pick up a prescription today but it is only a mile away. It won't take long to do that. Dull gray skies today is rain is promised off and on all day.  Our grass might green up again.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Thanks, Larry, for your recent visit and comments on my blog posts. They were much appreciated!
    Too bad the zinnias are not doing too well now, but the rain should help. We are preparing for several days of hot temps after the weekend, then followed by a couple of days of rain. The lily looks nice with the raindrops on the petals. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Your roses are lovely! I have a tomato about that size on our plants also!
