Friday, July 16, 2021


 Hardy geranium in the front flower bed. The rains have brought them back to life after their survival during the drought.

The red phlox is doing well in that same garden area. It was planted a couple of years ago and was never too impressive until this year. The color really can be seen at a long distance. 

The blanket flower also has started to put on new blooms after it had totally faded away. I really like the colors of the flower.  Gaillardia is its name, I looked it up.

I can't take enough photos of this day lily. It is doing well there and I hope just keeps spreading. 

I spent the morning at the old place loading up the truck to bring more things home.  The house has been shown to a set of people already and I am trying to stay ahead of them.  I will make one more trip tomorrow with the truck to bring back step ladders and more wood.  The truck now works great.

Thanks for stopping in today. 

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