Saturday, July 17, 2021

Saturday Morning.....


 The modern phlox is shorter than the old fashion variety. It is nice to have them growing next to each other. 

The newer variety is a two colored one. It has increased in size as a plant as the years go by.  It is very hardy.

I read in an article that people in Minnesota are dumping their goldfish into lakes.  They showed that they can grow up to four pounds in size. The way that they eat, by digging around in the bottom of a lake bed, disturbs the roots and growth of a lot of natural plants. I remember how years ago in Iowa that the naturalist suggested farmers to put koi into their ponds to eat up all of the moss.  Little did they know that they then had a new problem with huge fish taking over their ponds. All of the desirable fish were squeezed out of the ponds. 

My dahlias are starting to bloom. This one is opening in the crook of the plant making it a deformed bloom. The color of it is wonderful. 

I am still working up at the old place even though the place is being shown. I have one more load of step ladders and a few tools to bring home.  I also am trying to trim out volunteer trees in the past garden areas. I read a book once where a wonderful garden that was left unattended for years and it returned to a weedy mess.  My flower gardens have been unattended for a couple of years now and the best I can do is take out the big weeds and trees.  I have a planting of bee balm that has taken over a large portion of the yard in the back.  I hope soon someone will buy it and I can just walk away, never to return.   They will then cut it all down including the big trees leaving it all barren.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Your Phlox is beautiful! Hope your old house sells fast! Give it some time!!
