Monday, July 19, 2021

Missed a Day.....Blogging.

 I took a trip outside and too many photos Saturday evening and I don't have the excuse of not having photos. I just didn't blog yesteerday.  It is funny that I did check everyone elses postings in the late late afternoon but I didn't notice that I had not posted.  I guess I took a day off by  accident. 


I bought two packs of seed of a different kind.  They are good but they aren't the bright and showy ones that I usually grow.  I did plant a few of last year's seed and they didn't do well in germination.  There are a couple of them that did sprout so I will have photos of those later on.


I bought some new seed with lots of goodies that are in it. The doves are really enjoying it and the sparrows are liking the spare few seeds of millet in it. 


The morning glories are doing well but they are not in sight when I photograph in the late afternoon. I do like the spiral  shapes of the buds befroe the open. It is a magical design that is displayed before it unfolds. 

I planted five dahlias this spring and the results are now being displayed. There are two other colors in the group that are different than the red. I will share them latter.

The flowers look like they are doing great but we are still in a drought.  It is said that we still are almost seven inches short of rainfall for the year.  My front garden shows that as the cone flowers and Susans look dried up. I have been too bush to water them.  

The old place is being shown by the realtor.  I am still removing the last of the things that I need to get out of the house.  On Saturday I did not have a lot of things left to bring home.  I did have a neighbor help me bring out of the basement a small dresser that was my wife's from her farm home.  I needed the help to get it up the basement stairs.  He took one of my window air conditioners  and his wife wanted some of my cement blocks that I had next to the basement door. There are two parts of an old one room school house desks in the basement that I guess I will gather.  I would like to give that away.  We had no bites on the house at this time as the vulture flippers are waiting for the price to drop. They seem to want it for free as I had a conversation with one of the interested buyers. 

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. I find myself skipping blog days more often now. Sometimes not much happens that is blog worthy. At least you have a garden of flowers to show off. ( My garden is pretty untamed this year.)
    I just feel bad that I check into people's blog but many times have very little to say or comment on. I wish blogger would allow a "thumbs up" so you could see that at least checked in... even if they did not leave a comment..

  2. I am excited to see your Morning Glory unfurl! Your Zinnias look great. They are softer colors than you usually have! I think the bright colors were Zinnia Dreamland...I used to love those:)

  3. I like the photo of the morning glory. The zinnias are pretty too. I have never grown dahlias before. I remember seeing a dahlia named Brooke Nicole once and that is Larry’s daughters name! I am glad the birds are enjoying the new seed. I pray that the Lord will send just the right buyer for your home.
