Tuesday, November 23, 2021

A Scattering of Things.....

 Time to get the deer ready for display. I had to attach them to wood pieces so they be free standing. 


They are designed to have metal stakes pushed into the ground to hold the feet steady.  That just doesn't work.  I  instead mounted them on their scrap piece of wood.  Snow would help to cover the wood but otherwise it will not show at night when the lights are turned on.  I am going to put them out soon. The street to the east of us has all of their Christmas decorations out.  They must have decided as a group to do it before Thanksgiving as we drove through their last night and all houses are decorated and lighted. 


 Begonia blooms continue on the plant.  It has been inside for over a month now and it seems to be just as happy. 


The rakes are done for the year.  They didn't get much use as the mowing and mulching takes care of most things anymore. That is fine with me.  We had a cool day today but we did seem some sunshine today. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Those deer look very nice. Lotsa snow here yesterday.

  2. you will have to take a photo of your deer at night!

  3. I have always admired those deer in the yards that are lit up!
