Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday Morn.....

 The first tree wrapped in a sheet was the one that I wanted to find.  It is an artifical tree with the lights on it.  The ornaments are wired onto the branches.  It just has to be carried out to the balcony and plugged in to electricity.  It sits in the second story backyard and I like it to be towering above the houses below for them to also see. I wire it into the corner of the railing so the wind can't tip it over.  This may go up soon. 

For all our trees I leave them assembled and wrap them with old sheets.  It works well when one has the space to hold them.  I still have two larger trees that I do have to take apart and put in a box but the three otherst are sure easy to set up.


 The three pots of hardy geraniums are responding now to the warm inside temps and the window light.  I like to see them bloom during the winter season. 

Out side, I keep finding scraps from the shingle job we had over a month ago. It is funny how the shingle on the ground looks nothing like the shingles on the roof.  We picked a gray shingle this time and it really is a nice look for our house.

I thought I had brought in all of the fencing but I did see this one last one while taking the photo.  It is now put in the storage pile for winter. The green leaves in the fron right are the ones of a field lily.  I was so glad to see it surviving.  I had blooms on it this summer for the first time.  It time that could crowd out everything in the area.  I will have to watch it and block it somehow.

My newly planted "knock out" rose is looking good out in the front yard planter.  It is suppose to be a different variety with its blooms being smaller than the standard one.  I hope to see it bloom this summer. I will leave the leaves as mulch. The winds tend to decide on how much mulch I can have but these have survived some very strong winds. 

I went out to take some quick shots and I really got too cold.  I had a stocking cap on and winter coat but it was cold.  I did shoot quickly and came inside quickly.  Have a great Monday.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Not hip on the colder air, but winter's approach is inevitable. The only plants that remain green outside now is the Catnip. I'm shocked how hardy it is in the frosty air.

  2. You are getting ready with your tree! I like your sheet idea! IO bet you have a warmer day today as we are supposed to be 40 F so you must almost be summerlike!

  3. Nice trees! My MIL had a tree she had us wrap up and put in her storage area. We'd have to get it out for her along with all the tubs of Christmas stuff. I had to wire her little tree to her balcony railing too.

    I can't wait to see how the decorations progress!
