Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday's Finds.....

 Friday morning looked like this for a while.  The sun is almost behind the house now and I can't lean out any further on the balcony to be able to see it. 

I didn't get any of the eclipse shots. I did notice that the sun is turned a little as it has changed in its position in the sky. 

The painted roses on the plate blend in with the real dried roses in the bowl. The name of place where the plate was hand painted. was unknown to me. The name printed in gold was WURTTEMBERG. I guess it shows up as being from Germany. 

I mowed the front yard this morning.  It was covered with the last of the leaf droppings from the locust tree.  I also mowed-mulched the area under the front trees even though the leaves are still falling. It was cold and I didn't have warm enough coat.  It is a smaller area than my back yard.  It was good to get that mower out and use it again. I mowed over into my neighbor's yard, breaking the property line rules in mowing, so I  could mow up some of my leaves on his yard. He didn't come out and scold me.  I am sure the guy to the south would have.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The early moring shot was beautiful, Larry. I also didn't see any of the eclipse and in truth didn'
    t even remember to look for it. Your moon shot was very good.

  2. Stay warm! The front yard looks good, but I see you have more leaves to fall:)

  3. I the eclipse and enjoyed seeing it. Since I had trouble sleeping, it was a good excuse to bundle up and go out to enjoy it.

    Your yard looks great!
