Saturday, November 20, 2021

Stuff on Saturdy.

 A mild warm day is welcomed.  It isn't that warm and yet the wind isn't blowing. The light thin clouds are the thing.  There are lots of neat patterns in some of them but they moved on a while ago.

The cottage garden is full of grass that I need to pull.  I have mulched the area a lot but that grass keeps showing up.

It was a great blooming season for this rose but it did succumb to the hard freezes.  When I get some new energy I will trim the rose back a little bit.  This rose has done so well at this location and I will be looking forward to it budding again in the spring.

I am so glad that I brought down some of this hydrangea.  It has been eradicated at the old house by its new owners.  Maybe they are going to let it grow back but by the photos it looked like they eliminated it. I too should cut this back now.  If I get a warmer day with sunshine I could get some of this work done.

The fake geese have been moved back into the yard.  I had them out of the way so the guy who was mowing my yard didn't have to mow around them.  I can now mow my own yard again. 

The tomato bed has a layer of leaves on it now.  I need to water them down as they keep moving off and onto the grass when the wind blows.  I just returned the outer escaping leaves this morning. 

Have a great Saturday.


  1. It is good that you can mow again! :) Nice blue sky there!

  2. I wonder if you had some sort of a screen to set over the leaves? It would weigh them down and let the moisture and air through.
