Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Reboot and Start Blogging Again.....





The grand kids and their parents left this morning.  It is too quiet.  We had such a great time getting to catch up on everything after being away from each other for two years plus.  The leftovers can be eaten and the time to rest is here.  Great to have company and three kids, ages 8, 5, and almost 3, who are all so different from each other.  We have a grand daughter who is so special and two energetic grand sons.  

I fit in a doctor's appointment this morning during an icey period.  I tried to fall down on the iced parking ramp. Made it fine though and am home being happy with my visit.  I am back blogging now and it is good to be back.  Thanks for stopping by today. 



  1. Glad you had a good time!! Special times:)

  2. Wonderful that you had time with the family!
    Glad you didn't have a fall either though!
