Wednesday, December 29, 2021


 Our son and his three kids lined up on the couch.  It was so great to have the company.  We had a great time getting to know our kids again after a very long time. The oldest grands on is tall and the little girl is so quiet and sweet.  Middle guy is full of lots of smiles and happiness.

Last night's cloud bank was beautiful.  We are now getting snow today.  It was forecasted earlier than when it actually started to happen. 

Our mornings were so fun as the three of them trailed upstairs to sit down and watch television.  The little girl, Ella,  was bashful with us as we last saw here when she was just a small baby. She did warm up to us and we did get hugs good bye when they left. 

I was concerned that the antique toys would be bothered that were under the antique ornament tree.  Instead the middle boy decided to make toys with his dad's Legos to add to the collection. 

Teddy would make different people and name them.  The two are ones that he proudly named grandpa and grandma.  I am not sure I will take these down for a long time.  It makes us smile to see all those creations lined up on the chest of drawers.

He will be six in a few months.  Lots of creativity and likes us to play with him.  He ate all of his pancakes and toast so he got to play with a game afterwards.

Our eight year old, AJ, is tall like his dad. We had seen pictures of him growing but to see him this tall was amazing.  A serious young boy now and makes lots of things in Legos. 

The cactus bloomed in late October and now the back side bloomed again.  They do bloom for long times but this new start was a surprise.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your Kids are growing up fast! Can't believe AJ is 8!

  2. Can't wait for the snow to hit us in about an hour? we shall see.

    Weren't you just complaining that it was too quiet after the family left? Haha! Looks like the Fam read your blog and crashed your silent time. Happy to see they were full of life and energy. Happy new year! When it comes.

  3. It looks like you and Della had a wonderful Christmas, Larry. It was great to see the new photos of your grandsons and granddaughter. We saw all 3 of our grands this year as well, except that we had to travel to do so. Still, it was worth the effort because they do change so much between visits. Thanks for your visits and comments on my posts this past year. I hope that you both have a Happy New Year. We will welcome in the new year at home and enjoy ourselves!

  4. Wow those grands are growing up so fast! I hope you can visit them more often! AJ looks tall like my grandsons, they sure can sprout up!
