Monday, January 31, 2022

A Positive Morning....

 It is a good start today with the promise of 46 degrees.  If feels warmer even though we haven't really warmed up much.

It did look a little more ominous when I first got up but it is good to see the sun. I would like to see some melting of the snow on my deck today. 

Chimneys are absurd on a birdhouse but I did figure out how to make one.  I am gluing things and finishing up on this one today.

Birdhouse city is on display yesterday afternoon. I will finish up on the green one today and then who knows what it next.  I am thinking that I may create something out of scraps only.

This is a cut paper design that came from Israel.  The artist does an original cut design and then computers and laser technology duplicates it. The blue is a layer below the design creating a great dimensional effect. Thanks for checking in today.

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