Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 Backyard view of the sun coming up behind my neighbor's house. The two jets from Sac Air Force are leaving trails in the sky.  

Up there in a far distance was the full moon.  I had to draw in the lens to get this photo but it wouldn't come into focus.  I was surprised to see it there but it is the time of the month for it to be full.  You can't see it in the top photo. 

My view at the front yard door looked like this.  We are cooling down now getting ready to be at the top edge of an ice and snow storm. 

The back view now looks like this.  I promise not to show it ever again.  The job is done.  I have another one in the works made from all left over scraps from the other three houses. 

Thanks for checking in on my site today.