Saturday, January 15, 2022

After the Snow Falls......

 Lots of snow fell and it was blown around with strong winds. The morning after is one of beauty.  These are my neighbor's trees that show the build up of snow on their branches. I guess I should mention that we had 14 inches or more of snow.

The blue spruce looks great too with its winter covering.  The birds are hiding inside the evergreen and now coming to the feeder to eat.

When I opened the door to the deck this is what I found.  It is actually not as drifted as it has been in the past winter storms.  I will eventually shovel a path to the bird feeder at the other end of the deck.

The junco gave me an opportunity to take a lot of photos of it.  I like how it just stands in the seed and eats what he wants.  They didn't show up until about a week ago.

The project continues to develop.  I am not happy with the roof and how it stuck down.  It can't be fixed but you learn things about processes as you work with things. It looks ok but I regret the way that they told me how to attach the wood.  I could have adapted the suggestion to make it lay down flatter.  Live and learn and I can't go back without tearing off the entire roof and finding new material.

The waterproof glue that I used, as the book recommended, was not the best idea.  I had to turn it upside down and let it dry to keep the glue from seeping out and showing on the roof top.

The faces of each end are designed differently.  I used the trim boards that I had and made trim parts from my scrap wood.  I will share the two finished sides tomorrow.  I have parts on one side sitting with its parts still having the glue drying.  I abandoned the example shown in the book and took it to my own world of design. It has been a lot of fun. 

We did not make our regular trip to the the pancake cafe this morning as the streets were not clear.  Instead, we made waffles and scrambled eggs at home.  I have left over waffles that I can eat instead of toast for a few days.  One small square of a waffle is safe for a guy with diabetes.  

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. I like the birdhouse and what you have done. It is interesting to watch a project like this grow from start to finish. I saw a plow go along the ridge this morning...well, I saw its lights. Our township does a pretty fair job.

    The birds are busy at our feeder today!

  2. You got our snow! It looks pretty on the trees! :)

  3. It is still a beauty!

    The snow is so makes everything look so clean and new again.
