Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sunday Stuff.....


Lots of snow out there and most of the side roads are not in good condition.  We went to the pancake place at noon and it was slow going.  The main roads are clear but that is it.  We are going to warm up to 32 degrees F. in the evening. 

I think the people who blow my snow actually put that snow up on the reindeer. It is kind of a nice look and you can see how much snow we received.  It is piled in there next to the foundation.

The flower garden is covered with snow.  The Japanese iris' dead stems are all that really show that it was a flower garden. 

Side two is completed.  The plans showed the holes for birds to enter at both ends. Using my scrap wood I created two distinctly different designs.

Side one is done also and it really isn't anything like the pattern design in the book.  I have some structural things to do on the sides but otherwise it is all done. Obviously I will be sharing more about this in the future. 

It was good to go out for lunch today even though we do still feel snowed in for the day.  I thank you for stopping by today.

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